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The National Dachshund Council (NDC) is an affiliate of the Dogs Australia (formally Australian National Kennel Control (ANKC)).
The NDC’s primary role is to disseminate information from the Dogs Australia to member clubs representing the Dachshund fraternity Australia wide.
The secondary role is to act as an information medium between member clubs and Dogs Australia.
Member Clubs submit agenda items that are discussed first at Club level, then a nation wide vote is taken. The business of the NDC is done in a democratic manner.
Affiliation with the ANKC permits member clubs to host National Dachshund Specialty Shows. National Shows are a comprehensive “showcase” for our breed.
OFFICE BEARERS 2022 – 2026
President: Mark Yardley
email: almarjo@hotmail.com.au
Secretary: Ainslie Carius
email: ainsliecarius@icloud.com
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